04 February 2013

Monday’s Motivation


I know most of us had a pretty hectic night due to the Super Bowl, so I figured these words of inspiration were perfect for today!

As you all know, I’m not much of a football fan, however, I did watch snippets of the game (mostly the commercial snippets that is…) and the half time show… Beyonce was AMAZING!

beyonce I remember being disappointed with Madonna’s performance last year. That was not the case last night. The one word that comes to mind when I think of her performance is STAMINA! Boy is that woman in shape. She did not stop for a second. She was here, there, and every where. I LOVED every minute of it!


I don’t know about you, but this morning I was sure praying for a fourth of the stamina she had yesterday.

go daddy One last thing… Am I the only person that found the Go Daddy commercial to be utterly grotesque. Was that necessary? I remember sitting there with the kids and the hubby anxiously awaiting each and every commercial. That was until THIS commercial…  When this commercial finished I just turned to the hubby, he looked at me, and the kids simultaneously uttered DISGUSTING! I couldn’t agree with  them more. Did you feel the same way?

Happy Monday!


Melissa Signature


  1. That quote is perfect for a Monday! I also thought Beyonce nailed that performance. She is an amazing performer, you're right. I also have to agree that the Go Daddy commercial was EXTREMELY disturbing.

    Eclectic Educating

  2. I just found your adorable blog and am so happy to be a new follower! Beyonce is unreal, I wish I was half as energetic as she seems to be! And agreed, the commercial was over the top!
