05 April 2013

Motivation FREEBIE

For my 3rd graders this time of year means TESTING TIME! And unfortunately with testing comes anxiety, stress, and doubt.


Many students begin to doubt their abilities and I begin to see levels of self confidence dropping fast. That is why this is the time of year that I feel the most motivation we can provide our students with the better… the better they will feel, the better they will perform, and the better YOU will feel as their teacher.

If you’d like to read some more about how I motivate my kiddos, then go here to check out a post I wrote describing a few things I do with my students to keep them confident and chase the blues away.


Words of affirmation JPEG 1

I’ve also created 2 sets of motivating posters that my students will be coloring and illustrating next week. I plan on using them to decorate my classroom before the FCAT, state testing, on April 15-18th. If you’d like to use them in your classroom you can snag these FREEBIES by clicking on the pictures below or going here and here.


Slide2 Slide3Slide4 I hope you enjoy them and would love for you to leave me a comment if you plan on using them in your class.

Have a GREAT weekend!



  1. I love how you created posters to celebrate testing! It's so important for us to support our students in assessments. We also do group discussions about positive affirmations and test-taking calming methods. Best of luck next week! The Learning Lab

  2. This is sooo perfect! I was going to have my kids make one for another student so everyone should have one by testing day. I really love this! Thank you!
