21 November 2012

Black Friday move on over I’m waiting for CYBER MONDAY!

I have never been much of a fan of Black Friday! I mean don’t get me wrong, I LOVE saving money. So much to the point that my husband used to say I was “cheap”… now he just says I’m “frugal”. (I’ve trained him well haven’t I? :0)

What has always turned me off about Black Friday is the idea of having to wait in tremendously long lines, crowds of people, and the nasty/ pushy attitude of some shoppers. I guess I just much rather sip my coffee in my PJ’s and wait by the computer to snag my sales. Needless to say once I heard the words CYBER SALE I knew this was the sale for me.

You see Teachers Pay Teachers is having a Cyber Sale and…

Cyber Monday Sale

EVERYTHING in my TPT store will be on sale. Also, if you’d like to check out a few other stores that are participating then head on over to Surfing to Success where sweetheart extraordinaire Mercedes has created a Linky Party of fellow Cyber Sellers. If you are also taking part in the sale then head on over to her site to add your link up as well.

Well, that’s all for now! I wish all of my followers and fellow bloggers a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Please know that I feel blessed to have found this little corner in the blog world to share with all of YOU!

Much love,

Melissa Signature


  1. LOL! Sweetheart extraordinaire! I'll have to convince my husband to make that my new nickname. :)


    1. Well, you know how on the TPT forum we are given titles such as "Royal Collaborator"? I guess I got inspired.
      :0) Melissa

  2. I wish blogs had a like button like on facebook - I would have definitely "liked" your first comment! I found your blog through the tpt forum.

    Great to connect, I look forward to following you!


    Teaching Maths with Meaning

    1. Alison, that IS such a FANTASTIC idea! Give it some time and I'm sure soon enough that function will be available.
      :0) Melissa

  3. Hi Melissa,

    I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. I found it through TPT. I think it's great! Check out my blog for the info.

    :) Jayme
    Trendy in Third

  4. Uh OH.....This is tooooo funny! I just nominated you for a Leibster Award too.... LOL

    Check it out here...

    Simply Skilled in Second

  5. Cute place to stop by for a visit! So glad I did! I really enjoy your posts! Please visit!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized
