07 December 2013

December Facebook Frenzy FREEBIE!

Hi there friends! Have you heard about December’s Facebook Frenzy? I recently just found out about it and am thrilled to be a part of it.

A Facebook frenzy is basically when you hop around from one FB page to another, picking up FREEBIES along the way. Isn’t that a wonderful idea! Not only do you get to find some new FB friends, but you get some goodies along the way. In my book that’s a win win!

Here’s a sneak peek at my freebie… all you have to do is go to my FB page, click like, and start downloading…

Slide1  Slide2


I’ve joined the 3rd grade Math/Science group, so if you’re looking for more freebies when you visit my page just take a look at the first link in the comment. Also, I’ll include a link to all other areas as well. Happy Frenzy-ing!


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