30 March 2015

Milestone and a Freebie to Celebrate!

Words alone cannot describe what I'm feeling right now so maybe this might help...

I am in utter disbelief to see my name and Genre Poster Pack on TPT's Facebook page! Yes, I knew that it would be happening some soon, and yes they did contact me to congratulate me for reaching a milestone. 

But it wasn't until today when I actually saw MY work on THEIR FB page that it hit me!

You see, two years ago, I posted a few things on TPT on a whim because I wanted to see if Teachers Pay Teachers was for real. 

I wanted to see if I could make a few bucks to make up for the money that the state of FL was NO LONGER going to pay me for having my National Board Certification. That money was supposed to help pay for our kids school tuition. 

I wanted to be able to stay at home with my kids in the summer and NOT have to worry about planning their swimming lessons or summer camp schedule around the hours that I would be tutoring from home.

NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think that it would have turned into such a HUGE part of my life and my families life. It has been a blessing for us in so many ways! 

I LOVE reading your comments and seeing the pictures some of you send me of the work your students have done in your classrooms thanks to one of my products. It fills my heart with so much joy to know that little old me has been able to reach so many teachers from so many different parts of the world. 

I have received emails as far as Thailand and Australia, both places that I have never visited. It truly is AMAZING!

Let me stop right there...

... as a way of saying thanks,  you can download my Genre Poster Pack for FREE for the next 7 days! Simply click on the picture above or any of the pictures below.

Take a look at the posters in action in my own classroom...

This pack is one of my favorite because it is geared towards the upper grades such as 3-5 and has a lot more than beautiful clipart images.

 Grab these posters quickly because they are only free until next Monday!

Thanks again... I hope to read some more of your encouraging words as feedback on TPT.
Much LOVE to you and your kiddos,


  1. Wow! Thanks for the awesome freebie! And congrats on your milestone!

  2. I just downloaded and printed this awesome pack for my library. The posters I currently have hanging are a little worn and could use refreshing. Could I possibly persuade you to create one for Graphic Novels? This is a big push in our area and would love to add it to this collection.

    1. Amanda, I'm so glad that you like this pack so much. I will put Graphic Novels on my to do list to add it to the pack. Thanks for the suggestion :0)

  3. Congrats on your milestone! That's awesome!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  4. Congrats on your milestone! :) LOVE your freebie.

    Fishing for Education Blog

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! I'm glad you loved the freebie :0)
