15 March 2015

Teacher's Pets Linky Party

Good morning friends! 

As you can probably already guess, todays post is not going to be about my students or my classroom.  But instead I've decided to join a group of lovely ladies for a fun linky party dedicated to OUR PETS!!!!!!  

Let me begin by introducing you to the pooch that stole my heart...

This is my dog... JETER!

... and yes he was named after this equally gorgeous NY Yankees shortstop...

Derek Jeter

Jeter, our dog and not the player :0) , came into our house about 2 1/2 years ago.

Before getting Jeter I was against having another dog in the house. Our previous pooch had died a few months before and I did not want the added responsibility of having to feed, walk, train, and pick up hair.... did I already say PICK UP DOG HAIR?
(As you can see, dog hair inside my house is a BIGGIE for me!)

You're probably wondering... Then how did she end up with a pet?

Let's just say that my hubby and the kids can be quite persistent when they want to. After about 2 months, I finally caved in but not before I gave them a list of my requirements.

MOM's Dog Requirements
1. The dog HAD to be smart or easily trainable
2. He had to have little to no shedding
3. I wanted an indoor dog
4. He had to be really friendly and have a fun loving personality

...and that's EXACTLY what we found in our Hungarian Vizsla! I can't imagine my life without him! 

He is MY shadow... he follows me EVERYWHERE... and has to be next to me, on me, or touching me at all times... I LOVE IT!!!!

Jeter LOVES to give "besitos" or kisses! He's especially fond of ears...

He LOVES to cuddle!

He does NOT like to lay on cold floors and prefers fluffy beds. This is his "place"... Whenever we tell him to go "place" he scurries off to his bed...

He is a HYPER dog that needs lots of exercise! He NEVER seems to tire out... He jumps through hoops, fetches, run's like a madman in our back yard, and is GREAT at finding hidden treats...

One of his favorite activities is to race back and forth across the yard chasing the water from the garden hose. He loves to play this game before bath time...

Vizsla's are known for their excellent hunting skills and Jeter is no exception. He likes to hunt for lizards... chase birds... track cats that taunt him by walking right through our back yard... and he's great at alerting us when people walk in front of the house...

This is THE LOOK that melts my heart! Isn't he GORGEOUS?

Do you have a pet that took you by surprise, like my Jeter, and just captured your heart more than you ever thought possible?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Jeter is absolutely adorable. That face melts my heart!
    The Techie Teacher

    1. Thank you, Julie! He has the same effect on me... it's hard to say no :0)

  2. Oh. my. word. I just fell in love with Jeter. I won't his name against him (Red Sox fan, here :). You have gorgeous photos of him! What a love! Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. Julie, you're soooo funny with your Red Sox comment! We get that all the time from our Red Sox fans :0) This linky is great! I've loved every minute of getting to know everyones pets.

  3. Your pictures are precious! Jeter looks adorable! My dog Roger is named after a baseball team too, my husband is a huge Pittsburgh Pirate's fan. But I love the Yankees, Jersey girl here! I hope you have a great day!

    Teach Talk Inspire

    1. Jayme, isn't it funny how serious men take their sports that they're willing to name their pets and even their children after players? (BTW our son is named Ryan after the player Nolan Ryan...LOL) They crack me up.
      Thanks for stopping my and leaving some love...
      :0) Melissa

  4. Well hello stranger! I'm coming right over to plant HUGE smooches all over Jeter's face. He is a very handsome lad. I find it funny that you, like me, were resistant to the dog and now they won't leave us alone!!! Can't wait to catch up with you.

    1. Why hello there! Come on over, my friend... Jeter is a kisser so he will LOVE all those smooches!!!! Omg it's funny that you felt the same way. I guess the saying is right. Love DOES work in mysterious ways. LOL
      See ya soon,
      :) Melissa

  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this linky party! I can't wait to blog about my pooch, Rudy! Jeter is so dang cute!! :)

    Mind Sparks

  6. Welcome, Katie! I can't wait to read about Rudy. What kind of a dog is he? This linky is just the best. I feel as if we're sharing all about our "other child"! I love it... I love reading about everyone's pets and their quirks.
