10 October 2012

The Desk Shuffle & Some Humor

The same thing happens to me every year… I begin the year with my desks arranged in beautiful groups. Some years I have groups of 4 other years groups of 6 depending on the size of my class. Then a few weeks into the new school year the shuffling begins. Desks go here, then there, then EVERYWHERE!!! So what have I learned from 14 years of shuffling?

#1. Every group of student is different so just accept the fact that the shuffling is going to occur.

#2. It’s OK to move desks and move them again, and again, and AGAIN! I know it can be a pain, but sooner or later you will find the arrangement that works best for your students needs and yours as well…I promise! Just hang in there.

#3. Be daring… be willing to think out of the box and go out of your comfort zone. You just might be surprised.

And in case you need some inspiration, here are a few pictures:

seating groups


First few weeks of school: Groups







seating by 3


My current setup: Rows of 3

Jackpot!!!!! My students are thriving with this setup. I am still able to partner up for activities, but I don’t have as many distractions as I did when they were seated in groups of 6.



seating by 2


Groups of 2: For the REALLY distracted Bunch!







the u

the u 2

It’s all about the U :0)

This is what I meant by thinking outside of the box! Actually the U setup was what I used last year and I absolutely loved it! I placed a chair in the middle of each U. That way I could easily sit with each group and assist a few students without having to wait for them to get up and come to the back table with their supplies. I recommend this setup if you feel your group of students would benefit from frequent small group instruction/ mini- lessons.

So how is YOUR classroom setup right now?

… and now for some humor to end your day!


Melissa Signature


  1. Hi Melissa, I really like your blog! I tried to add your button to mine, but it wouldn't work. Any ideas? Thanks, Sarah

    Using My Teacher Voice

  2. Sarah, to be honest I'm not sure what is going on with the buttons tonight? I rewrote the button code and it's still not working. I even tried copying yours and nothing either.
    :0( Hopefully by tomorrow everything will be back in order.
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. New blog follower! I bet I move my kiddos desks around every 2 weeks! They get soo chatty. Love the ideas and I will have to try some. Right now their desks are in a huge horse shoe shape with a few nonstop chatters on the inside and up front.

    Check me out over at www.ifyougiveateacheratreat.blogspot.com

