17 October 2012

Voting… Elections… & Amelia Bedelia

We kicked off the beginning of our Elections Unit Amelia Bedelia Votingon Monday by reading the book Amelia Bedelia’s First Vote. This book is an excellent introduction to the topic as well as a fun read for the class. My kiddos weren’t even aware of the fact that I was exposing them to concepts such as elections, voting, ballot box, and absentee ballots with this fun read. Isn’t it just fabulous to teach your students without them even realizing that they are learning?

My class this year absolutely LOVES Amelia Bedelia and I am just tickled pink. Especially, since her stories lend themselves to teaching alliteration, similes, multiple meaning words, etc…

Asides from reading this story, we have also been completing some activities from my elections packet. You can check it out by clicking here. I can’t wait until next week when my students take part in our own classroom elections with voter registration cards and all! Stay tuned for  pictures…Lets Vote PDF

Have a WONDERFUL day!


Melissa Signature

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