05 December 2012

HD Nook Giveaway

I’m just popping in for a second today to share a giveaway that is just too good to resist. I had to share it with my loyal followers!


Tips For Teachers is giving away a BRAND NEW HD NOOK!!!!! Can you believe it? I know I would love to win the giveaway not for myself, but for my son Ryan who is a voracious reader! He always has a book in his hand and has asked Santa for a Nook for Christmas. However, have you seen how much they cost? So I’m entering for him and rather than keep this incredible giveaway to myself, I’ve decided to share the news with all of you. So run on over here and entering the giveaway!

Good Luck!


Melissa Signature


  1. I really like reading your blog. I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. Check out this post for details.

  2. I just found your blog!! How darling!! We are your newest follower. We are going to be hosting a guest blog hop over at our blog and would be honored if you would participate. Thank you for considering. Stephanie

