04 December 2012

December Currently

After my previous lengthy post I promise to make this one short and sweet…

Can you believe it’s December 4th already and that in a few short days 2012 will be over? OMG!!!!! Where has the year gone? It seems that ever since my children were born somebody has pressed the fast forward button on life. Every year seems to go by quicker and quicker and I don’t think the fact that stores decorate for Christmas in October helps any either. Am I the only one that gets irritated by this?…

Since I promised a quick post, here is Farley’s Currently Linky where you get a quick glimpse at what’s going on right this moment in my life… Slide1 Hugs to all,

Melissa Signature


  1. Hi, thanks so much for the reply. I love Alicia Keys too, wish I could play like her. I'm at jtsoundtech@verizon.net Also, I love your bubble letters in your header. Did you draw them, or they from an alpha set. Thanks.

    The Learning Metamorphosis

  2. The time between October and December is pretty quick. I wish it went a bit slower, too.

