03 December 2012

Liebster Love x7


… I don’t know what to say! Any time I receive a blog award I get a tingly feeling inside that brings a smile to my face. And now that I have received SEVEN Liebster Awards I am just speechless. I have a grin from ear to ear and am feeling so honored. I’d like to send a big THANK YOU and some love on over to Deanna and Jenelle from Dancing in our Teacher Shoes,  Bex from Reading and Writing Redhead, Kim from Literacy Sundae, Katie from A Basket Full of Apples, Jayme from Trendy in Third, Anna from Simply Skilled in Second, and Amy from Teaching in Blue Jeans. Thank you ladies for your nomination and for taking the time to stop by my blog!

In case you are wondering, the Liebster blog award is given by fellow bloggers to other blogs that have less than 200 followers. The rules are as follows:

1. Post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post. Go to their blog and let them know you nominated them.
5. You can not "tag back" the person that nominated you, but leave a comment on this post with the link back to your Liebster post so that I can learn more about you. :0)

Ok…the 11 random things about me are…

1. I am a National Board Certified Teacher

2. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. blackbelt

3. I am extremely clumsy… I fell off of a Greyhound bus in high Bus_3_Tschool in front of the entire debate team. Picture this… when it first happened there was silence, followed by giggles, and ended with me nervously chanting “my shoes, my shoes, where are my shoes?’’ (They were under the bus) Needless to say, EVERY TIME I exit a bus I now hold on to the railings… you should too :0)… 

4. My family is a huge NY Yankees fans. That’s why the new addition to our family is called Jeter, named after Derek Jeter.

jeter ballet_girl_T

  5. When I was 6 I quit ballet because I thought the ballet tights itched. (That’s how I ended up in karate class with my 2 brothers) 

6. I started Crossfit in July and am loving it. BTW- I have never been athletic, as you can see by my bus accident mentioned in #3.

7. I love to read, scrapbook, sketch, paint,… anything that is crafty.

8. I love to cook and get giddy when I receive gifts for the kitchen.

9. I once made a banana cream pie for Thanksgiving and confused  my salt jar for sugar. Needless to say the pie was pieinedible. The funniest part was that throughout the entire meal my husband kept telling everyone to save room for the grand finale… my dessert! I am happy to say that my jars are now labeled and I have NEVER made that mistake again!

10. I have 2 beautiful children named Ryan and Raquelle that are only 19 months apart. My son is an aluminum foil artist and lego afficionado… and my daughter is a Daddy’s princess that loves toquilt sing and dance.

11. I have self taught myself how to use a sewing machine. My  first project on the machine was a quilt I created 14 years ago that now hangs in our family room.

Ok… moving on to the question portion. Rather than answering all 77 questions from the nominations, I’ll be answering 2 from each so as to not make this post insanely lengthy. I hope none of the ladies above minds. Here goes…

From Dancing in our Teacher Shoes:

1. Have you always wanted to be a teacher? Nope… I started out majoring in Psychology wanting to be a child psychologist. I took an education elective and the rest is history.

2. What is your favorite recipe? Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Shallots. This is the best recipe for a special occasion. It is simple, delicious, and a crowd pleaser. Everyone will be impressed that you cooked this meal yourself.

Beef Tenderloin With Roasted Shallots Recipe

From Reading and Writing Redhead:

1. Do you have a favorite TV show? I am loving Revenge and Scandal right now!

2. Do you have a favorite musical artist? Jason Mraz

From Literacy Sundae:

1. When did you start blogging? June 2012

2. What is your best teaching memory? Having a parent tell me that their daughter who hated school and felt dumb since she had been out of school due to a kidney transplant and other health complications, was now so excited and motivated about school that she would begin her homework in the car on the way home from school. Parents said that I had made her feel “smart” again :0)

From A Basket Full of Apples:

1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Feliz Navidad

2. What is your favorite site to get cute clipart? Scrappin Doodles and Creative Clip Digital Clip Art

From Trendy in Third:

1. What grade do you currently teach and have you taught other grades? I currently teach 3rd and have taught K and 2nd.

2. If your school was donated $25,000, what would you want your principal to purchase? iPads… I’m so jealous of schools that have them.

From Simply Skilled in Second:

1. Car, SUV, or Mini-Van? SUV all the way!

2. Do you cry at movies? Yes, I am a big sentimental softy. I have even been known to cry during some commercials.


From Teaching in Blue Jeans:

1. Name something that makes you smile. Sunflowers

2. How would you describe your personality in 5 words or less? Seemingly quiet with strong opinions :0)

My blog nominations are:

1. Amy from A Teachers Toolbox for the Common Core Standards

2. Brenda from Teaching, Dreaming, Learning

3. Kristin from Drowning in PaperClips

4. Miss Martin from Miss Martin’s Classroom

5. Melissa from Don’t Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

6. Brittany from Lovely Literacy & More

7. Amanda from Mrs. McDonald 4th Grade

8. Susan from 3rd Grade Grapevine

9. Emily & Antoinette from …4321 Teach

10. Gina from Beach Sand & Lesson Plans

11. Brittany from Closing the Gap… in a Cute Outfit

My questions for you lovely ladies are:

1. What subject do you enjoy teaching the most?

2. Flats or heels?

3. If your principal gave you $5,000 for your classroom what would you spend it on?

4. What are you currently teaching for math?

5. If one of your students were to describe you, what would they say about you?

6. How long have you been teaching?

7. What is the one gift you hope Santa brings you this year?

8. Elf or no elf?

9. How many computers do you have in your classroom?

10. What is your favorite website for math games for your students?

11. How often do you blog?ne

And FINALLY if you’ve gotten to the end of this post you so deserve a TREAT! So as a THANK YOU I will be giving a FREE copy of my Fabulous Fairies to the ladies who nominated me for the Liebster award, the 11 ladies that I am nominating as well, and to any of their followers. Just leave me a comment with your email within the next 7 days and voila it’s yours.page0001Thank you again!

Remember to link back to me so that I can learn all about you!


Melissa Signature


  1. Congratulations on your unbelievable 7 nominations!!! WOW! I've also received two nominations, but I can't figure out how to get the award in my sidebar. Is the image hosted someplace, or do I just have to find it, save it, and upload it? I love your blog design. ;)

    The Learning Metamorphosis

  2. Thanks for nominating me! You are the 7th person to nominate me as well, and I posted about it here:
    So glad I found your blog! Don't forget to stop by mine for a giveaway!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  3. We appreciate the nomination! The freebie is quite an added bonus!
    Also, we agree, it is an amazing feeling to know we make kids feel smart.


  4. Thanks for popping into my blog....looks like we have a cutie pie mouse in common...love that little guy! That beef tenderloin up there looks amazing! I also love to cook. My favorite day is a lazy Sunday, putting something like a pork shoulder in my favorite cast iron pot to braise and then sitting down to blog while wonderful smells fill the house. I'm so glad to meet a third grade friend!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

  5. I'd love a freebie! rmawn30@gmail.com
    Thanks so much for your kindness!

    1. Check your email, there's a surprise waiting for you!
      :0) Melissa

  6. Great Job Melissa...Thanks for the giggle :) Love your blog!

    My e-mail is Num1teechr@aol.com


    1. Anna,
      Check your email for a surprise!
      :0) Melissa

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
